Blog Brand Protection
Charlie Abrahams Brand Protection Review 2024

The Future of Brand Protection is Here

2024 Review of the Online Brand Protection Market Summary Charlie Abrahams, a respected brand protection expert, released his 2024 Review of the Online Brand Protection Market. As a seasoned professional, he offers an authoritative perspective on Brand Protection, AI, and market trends. Abrahams highlights the struggle of legacy vendors to innovate and offer true innovative […]

Domains WHOIS

ICANN 79: WHOIS Update

The ICANN 79 meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico is upon us, and WHOIS data access issues continue to be of significant concern for businesses and other stakeholders. Background Tracer has consistently submitted WHOIS requests since 2018, by submitting requests directly to registrars and registries on behalf of our clients. These clients request disclosures to […]

Brand Protection Domains
black friday shopping

Black Friday Beware! What You Need To Know About Spending, Shopping and Scams As We Head Into Peak Customer Loyalty Season for Brands

Brands spend months planning their marketing strategy for the winter holiday season. As many marketing teams know, capitalizing on the surge of holiday shopping, especially online, can be highly competitive no matter your industry. Unfortunately, you’re also competing against scammers and counterfeiters, who ramp up their fraudulent efforts during the holidays. As consumer spending reaches […]

Brand Protection
lock and shield over a computer

Secure Our World: The Importance of Cybersecurity 

Introduction to Cybersecurity Awareness Month Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of online security and promoting best practices for protecting your digital brand. In a world where we depend more on technology and the internet than ever before, the need for cybersecurity has become paramount. This blog […]

Domains WHOIS
Pie chart of 2023 year to date compliance overall


The ICANN78  meeting in Hamburg, Germany is upon us, and WHOIS data access issues continue to be of significant concern for businesses and other stakeholders.  According to our most recent report, Tracer has submitted 3106  WHOIS requests during the time period January-September 2023. Of those 3106 requests, 947 were compliant (30%), 855 did not receive […]

Brand Protection Phishing

How to Prevent Phishing and Protect Your Brand’s Reputation

In today’s digital age, the threat of phishing is a looming and ongoing concern for brands of all sizes. Phishing attacks have evolved beyond traditional security solutions, requiring brands to take serious steps toward establishing anti-phishing solutions that can keep up with the relentless fraudsters. In fact, it’s no longer enough to set up internal […]

Brand Protection

Dangerous Counterfeit Products You Should Never Buy

Counterfeit products have thrived in today’s global marketplace, presenting a grave threat to consumer safety and brand reputations. These imitation goods, often produced with subpar materials and a lack of regard for quality and safety, pose significant dangers to the health and well-being of consumers. Counterfeiters create replicas of products of all kinds at an […]

Brand Protection
digital risk protection from fraud

How to Protect Your Brand Against the Top Fraud Trends

Just as your business must adapt to changing market conditions, consumer behavior, and technological innovation, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to be quick to pivot their brand protection and digital risk protection strategies as the realm of potential threats expands. As technology advances, so do the tactics of fraudsters, posing intricate challenges for […]

Brand Protection
nft marketplace

Thinking Outside the Budget Box: Ways to Secure Funding for Brand Protection

  When it comes to a brand protection strategy, companies need to be innovative to secure the budget they need. We spoke with Mark Leonard, General Counsel, Sunsweet Growers, to hear how he creatively cross-collaborated on budget allocation to secure the funds necessary to effectively safeguard the brand. From sharing costs with Marketing to turning […]